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Starting primary school

Apply to start in the reception year at a primary or infant school, or in Year 3 at a junior school.

Children born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 are due to start school in reception year in September 2017.

Children born between 1 September 2010 and 31 August 2014 are due to transfer to Year 3 in September 2018.

If your child has a statement of special educational needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan you don’t have to go through this admission process.

Apply for a place

Open date for applications: Monday, 19 September 2016
Closing date for applications: Monday, 16 January 2017

When applying

  • you must live in Medway to apply with Medway Council. If you live outside of Medway, apply through your local authority
  • you can name Medway schools and non-Medway schools on your application
  • you can apply for up to six different schools in order of preference
  • naming only one school does not guarantee your child a place in that school
  • don’t name a school multiple times. It will only be considered as one of your preferences
  • your child attending a nursery or pre-school attached to the school, doesn’t give them higher priority of a getting place
  • if your child has a sibling at the school it does not guarantee them a place. You still have to apply
  • if applying for more than one child (e.g. twins) you must complete a separate application for each child
  • you must use the child's main address
  • you must apply even if you have added your child’s name to a school’s expression of interest list

We recommend you apply online because:

  • It's quick, easy and secure
  • you'll get an email confirmation when you submit your application
  • you can check or change your application up until the closing date (resubmit the application after changes are made)
  • you’ll get an offer of a school by email on offer day.


Apply for a primary school place


  • you may need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) to go with your application. You can get these forms from the school
  • if you or your child has a health, medical or special access need you’ll need to provide evidence of this with your online application
  • if your child has a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan you don’t apply through this mainstream process

Late applications

If you apply for a school place after the closing date, your application will only be considered if there was good reason, for example:

  • serious illness
  • bereavement
  • late move to the Medway area.

If you miss the closing date you can still submit an application up to 4pm on X with a covering letter explaining your reasons for being late.

We'll decide if late applications received by X can be accepted. Any applications not accepted or received after X will be held pending until after the offer of school places on 1 March 2018.